
  1. 1
    • 01 Welcome and disclaimer

    • 02 Why perform a hair transplantation?

    • 03 Impressions

  2. 2
    • 04 Who performs the hair transplantation?

    • 05 Reasons for hair loss

    • 06 Anatomy

    • 07 The hair root (graft)

    • 08 Comparing the FUT- and FUE-method

    • 09 The treatment room

  3. 3
    • 10 The first meeting

    • 11 Education and treatment contract

    • 12 The blood collection

    • 13 Treatment contract

    • 14 Photo documention before the treatment

    • 15 Donor and recipient area

    • 16 Donor area

    • 17 + 18 Marking the hairline & Calculating the number of grafts

    • 19 Shaving the scalp

    • 20 Agreement and mirror

    • 21 Preparation of the working table

    • 22 Treatment position during procedure

  4. 4
    • 23 Anesthesia in the donor area

    • 24 Vascular dilatation through volume in the donor area

    • 25 Preparation of the compresses

    • 26 Extraction of the sample grafts

    • 27 Tweezer for the extraction

    • 28 Extraction via the plucking technique

    • 29 EN Entnahmeregeln

    • 30 Caring of the wound

    • 31 Preparation of the change of position

    • 32 Local anesthetic of the transplant area

    • 33 Effectiveness test

    • 34 Volumina in the transplant area

    • 35 Using the saphire pen

    • 36 EN Kanalöffnung

    • 37 Opening the canals - guiding lines

    • 38 The finished opening of the canals

    • 39 Time for a break

    • 40 Dehydration prophylaxis

    • 41 Transplantation tweezers

    • 42 Placing the grafts on the back of the hand

    • 43 The transplantation

    • 44 Transplanation of the receding hairline

    • 45 Transplanation and cleansing

    • 46 Putting on the bandage

  5. 5
    • 47 Instructions for the patient

    • 49 The day after - follow-up inspection

    • 50 Hair wash 2.-10. day

    • 51 Hair wash 11.-12. day

    • 52 Ende of course

Hair transplantation using the FUE method


We will show you a complete hair transplant with preparation and follow-up using the FUE method.

This gentle technique of modern hair transplantation is used successfully internationally and is one of the minimally invasive procedures.

The individual steps of the series are shown and explained in 52 chapters. The course covers the planning and implementation of a hair transplant in a real environment.

The removal of the hair root and the transplantation in another place are shown in close-up and clearly explained.

Furthermore, the required materials and equipment are discussed. Compared to other therapies, no large investment is required here.

Doctors who already work invasively will not find the techniques difficult.

Rather, it is the fluency and practice that defines an expert in hair transplantation. With practice and a good concept, you too can participate in this very lucrative and successful market and offer hair transplants in your own practice.

Exercise facilities

If you still want to attend a face-to-face course (depending on availability) after this online seminar, the online course price will be credited to the face-to-face course.

If you want to do practical practice after the online seminar, you can book a training.

What has been learned is practiced directly on the patient under supervision and guidance: removing the grafts, setting the canals and transplanting the hair roots.

The entire course content as a technical book

Exclusively available in the GSW-shop

Valuable know-how from practice about this modern and minimally invasive hair transplant procedure.

Start your online hair transplant course today!

step-by-step in 52 lections, including online certificate after course completion